Online portal on Mahatma Gandhi’s life and remains!

Online portal on Mahatma Gandhi’s life and remains! 

 ‘Father of the Nation’, Mahatma Gandhi was a gem of gems. Everything associated with Mahatma Gandhi is considered rare and valuable. Not all the things were preserved but Sabarmati Ashram still has largest collection of Gandhiji’s belongings, self-written letters, manuscripts of Gandhiji’s writings and also the letters written to him during his stay in Sabarmati. Original as well as photocopies of these writings of Gandhiji are maintained in Sabarmati Ashram.

It is not possible for each of us to visit Sabarmati Ashram and get a glance of Gandhiji’s writings. But now one can go through Gandhiji’s letters and writings as the government has decided to make a mega portal containing Gandhiji’s belongings. The mega portal was recommended by Gandhi heritage Site Panel and will be managed by Sabarmati Ashram Preservation and Memorial Trust (SAPMT).The cost that will be incurred on this mega portal will be about Rs. 8 crore.

At present Sabarmati Ashram has a collection of 34,111 letters related to Gandhiji. All these letters will be microfilmed and stored in the computer files. Not only this, other important credentials related to Gandhiji in India are abroad will also be merged in this mega portal to provide complete information to the people online. Sabarmati Ashram Preservation and Memorial Trust (SAPMT) will be responsible for regularly updating the content of this mega portal.

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