Facts about HIV and AIDS in India

Estimated number of HIV/AIDS cases in India were 5.7 million in 2006. However, these are just the ones that have been reported.

Facts about HIV and AIDS in India

1.1 billion: This is the approximate population of India.

20-25 million: This is the Projected number of HIV/AIDS cases in India by the year 2010.

( Source: UNAIDS / WHO, HIV / AIDS Crisis in India )

With the burden of current disease, HIV/AIDS will come out as the largest cause of mortality in this decade.

(Source: UNAIDS )

Over 100,000 pregnant women with HIV give birth every year in India. Almost one woman in three passes the infection to her baby. The numbers of HIV +ve women are increasing.

Mother -to- child transmission can be prevented with early intervention. It can be done with a combination of low-cost and short-term preventive drug treatment. Also, safe delivery practices, counseling and support and safe infant-feeding methods can be done.

(Source: Solidarity and Action Against the HIV Infection in India)

Facts about HIV and AIDS in India

India has 10% of the world's HIV/AIDS population.

Sexual transmission 85.72%
Perinatal transmission 3.14%
Blood and blood products 2.17%
Injectable drug users 2.95%
Other ( unspecified ) 6.02%

Men contribute towards the majority of the HIV/AIDS population in India, outranking women by a ratio of 2:1.
( Source: National AIDS Control Organization )

The majority of the people who are infected are between the ages of 15 and 50. They are those members of the society who are most economically productive.
( Source: National AIDS Control Organization )

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